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Bridget Nieto


Major: Sociology (Law and Society)

Minor: Political Science


I grew-up in Santa Cruz County and come from a very large, tight-knit family. As the youngest child of 7 kids, it seemed like “leaving the nest” was a hard idea for my parents to conceptualize. Although I came to UC Davis as a transfer-student in upper-class standing, I was still feeling lost on campus and needed something to do besides hanging out with my sister (biological) or working every weekend. Without a beach, the sound of the ocean and cool coast breeze, Davis seemed less appealing to me. I wanted to do something that I could identify with on campus, somewhere I could be myself and grow with, but I never thought Greek life was for me. A close friend encouraged me to spread my wings and be open to new experiences. One afternoon as I was walking to class, a young lady tabling asked if I was interested in joining a sorority. That was when I found Zeta Sigma Chi…the rest was destiny! Our sorority, a TRUE sisterhood, where each sisters’ Radiance shines through!

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