Zeta Sigma Chi
Multicultural Sorority, Inc.
Sigma Chapter
Danielle Lewis
N A @ I R A N C ò
Double Major: Spanish and English
I joined Zeta Sigma Chi because I was at a point in my life where I felt I wasn't moving forward with anything. I wasn't meeting new people, and I wasn't getting as involved as I wanted to be. Then, my Zumba instructor (now my soror!) introduced me to this organization, which was planning on reaching out to more universities. The more I learned about ZSC, the more I liked it. Everything about the org fit exactly what I was looking for, from the emphasis on multicultural cooperation to the heavy involvement in community service. I couldn't wait to become a part of this amazing organization. :)
From the day I became involved with Zeta Sigma Chi, it has changed my life more than I ever could have imagined. I have met dozens and dozens of amazing, successful women. I've been exposed to traditions and values and all kinds of life lessons that I wouldn't have known about otherwise. I've had the opportunity to grow not only as an individual, but also as a group. There's no way I would have ever attained the skills required to work together as a group, if I hadn't become involved. My sisters and I spent countless hours together (9 VERY different personalities) during our process, all trying to collaborate and work towards the same goal. And although it may have been difficult at times, I learned how to respect others' personalities and work our way around issues. I already feel like such a different person than I was when we first began our process. I could go on and on forever about the mounds of information and life skills that Zeta Sigma Chi has taught me thus far. :)