Zeta Sigma Chi
Multicultural Sorority, Inc.
Sigma Chapter
Emy Nunez
Double Major: Chican@ Studies and Human Development
Above all, I'd like to say I have an outgoing personality! I'm easy to talk to, and I am a very approachable person, especially when it comes to meeting new people. In addition, through past experiences, I have learned that I am also a strong, determined young woman and will fight to obtain whatever my goals may be. With that being said, becoming a sister of Zeta Sigma Chi Multicultural Sorority, Inc. was something I wanted to do since my sophomore year. Being a unicorn now only proved my wiliness true. This sisterhood has not only given me a home away from home, but it has also given me the strength and friendship that will last me a lifetime. As I made it to the land of Peach and Black, these girls were there for me, and I know they will continue to do so as we uphold our "Success in Education." I am so thankful for all these radiant ladies who have shown me unconditional love and this radiant sisterhood who has given me a reason to continue my education!